
$38.68 – $131.61 USD
- It has the ability to hold moisture without becoming waterlogged.
- It is slow to compost.
- It’s smell and texture encourage natural burrowing.
- It absorbs waste and diminishes odours.
Fernwood Soft Tree Fern substrate is an excellent growing medium for indoor plants such as aroids, orchids, epiphytes, hoyas, anthuriums, ferns and more.
10 Liter bags are clear bags. Bagged down by us.
10 Liter bag bag is 1/4 of a 40 Liter bag
Fresh Stock Here

$14.71 – $30.98 USD
Fernwood Indoor Tree Fern Totems:
- Have a natural colour and will turn to a dark chocolate brown when wet
- Offer excellent drainage and aeration
- Can be used in high humidity glass houses without deterioration
Because Fernwood Tree Fern Totems are soft, it is easy to push wires through the fiber. The wire holds fast because of the strong fibrous nature of the totem. Tree Fern Totems can be used by both hobby and commercial growers.
Remaining totems on Clearance